God - What is it?

I believe we each have direct access to commune with the divine because at its most basic level, we are all part of what we call “God.” Many religions teach that God is a humanlike high king with a bunch of omni powers who reigns from above and imposes his will down upon us. This is not my understanding of God. In my understanding, God is not an empowered human; rather, humans are a complicated form of God.

I believe “God” is a fundamental source we all emerge from when we enter this existence. Like the Olympic flame, we all share the same spark from this source, and we all enjoy the same access to its nature. Some call this spark “love” or “soul” or “Energy." I call it Attention.

Over time, our personal narratives, cultures, and environments filter our connection to our divine nature like colored glass filters sunlight. These filters bend and color the light cast by our individual sparks, and in this process, we can lose sight of the truth of the wholeness we sprang from. In response, we must periodically clear away the filters that obscure direct communion with our divine source. I believe that the ceremonial and ritualistic use of psychedelic substances can assist us in correcting our spiritual alignment. Through this practice, we can unravel habits and illusions, cleanse the doors of perception, and experience the wholeness of our Self. Communing with the divine is a humbling and awe-inspiring experience that shatters paradigms with the realization that, in essence, I am God, and God is I. This realization can lead us to a much deeper sense of connection with and compassion for others because logically, we can extend this to the understanding that I am God, and God is you.


Psychedelic Mushrooms — A Divine Doorway