Ministry Legal Statement
The use of specific entheogens in a ceremonial context for spiritual purposes is a religious tradition that has roots reaching all the way down to the very foundations of human history. As such, access to these types of traditional spiritual practices is a legal right that has been granted to all Americans by the First Amendment of the Constitution, clarified by the national Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, upheld by the Supreme Court in cases such as Gonzales v. O Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal, 546 U.S. 418 (2006), and reaffirmed by lower Courts across multiple jurisdictions in cases such as Church of Holy Light of Queen v. Mukasey, 615 F. Supp. 2d 1210 (D. Or. 2009), and State v. Mack, 173 N.H. 793, 249 A.3d 423 (N.H. 2020). Additionally, with the recent signing of a historically robust state level Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2024, our home state of Utah has demonstrated its firm commitment to protecting the free expression of religious practice for all citizens in our local jurisdiction. It is under this constitutionally derived, legislatively reinforced, and judicially supported framework that we legally and ethically minister to the spiritual needs of our community.
Mind Medicine Ministry is committed to the legal and ethical use of our divine sacrament through our sacred musical rituals of healing and empowerment, that we perform in adherence to our sincerely held spiritual beliefs. We practice our beliefs openly and honestly, welcoming dialog with any who question our sincerity or the legal status of our work. Our ministry operates in conjunction with, but as an independent branch of, The Divine Assembly (TDA), which is a legally certified religious organization. As such, our sacrament is offered only to members of TDA and only in a ceremonial context. We are proud of the way in which we minister to our community and look forward to educating those who are interested in learning more about our spiritual mission and the unique ceremonial practices we are honored to be the keepers of.