Psychedelic Mushrooms — A Divine Doorway

In the physical world, mushrooms start with old organic matter that no longer has a useful function. Mushrooms break the matter down and recycle it back into the ecosystem as nourishment. “Magic” mushrooms serve a similar function in the psychological realm by taking our old, “normal” reality, breaking it down by shifting our perspective, and allowing us to change the way we perceive the world by modifying our neurochemistry. All of this nourishes our spirituality by allowing us to openly challenge the narratives, assumptions, and core beliefs that influence our day-to-day behavior.

Let’s take a closer look at the starting point: our “normal” reality. Our habits and beliefs are the programming our minds run on. That programming organizes and streamlines the way we interact with reality and understand the world. But because this programming runs automatically, and because our minds are so strongly set in those patterns, our programming is incredibly difficult to objectively assess or modify. This is where the magic of mushrooms really shines through. Habits and beliefs that don’t hold the power of truth often cannot survive even a brief shift in perspective.

This effect is neurologically evident; we can witness the active disruption of the brain’s “default mode network” when using these psychedelic compounds through tools such as FMRI scanners. Freed from our normal way of perceiving and interacting with reality, we can more fully shed and recycle the energy we’ve invested in belief structures and narrative identities that are no longer in harmony with who we are and what we aim to become. The mushrooms help us break down these old, dead energies within us, giving us the opportunity to reclaim their power and reinvest our faith.

While other naturally occurring psychedelic substances (such as ayahuasca, wachuma, toad venom, and DMT) have many similar perceptual effects, this Ministry holds the unique elements of mushrooms indispensable for directly communing with the divine for purposes of healing and empowerment, as opposed to an intention such as insight.

This Ministry offers access to a macro-dose journey through the sacrament ceremony called "Journey to the Core." It is through this ritual that we hold space to facilitate communing with the divine for our practitioners.


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